

The poll results are determined by you. Find favourite brands and preferences on certain products. See results for parenting surveys and opinions.  Please join in and give your opinion below. All votes are anonymous.


Have you ever considered storing your baby’s stem cells at birth?

Did you know stem cells can be used to treat a host of diseases and have a 25% match to your baby’s siblings?

Did you know that there are currently over 80 approved therapies where umbilical cord blood stem cells can be used?

Brand favourites

What is your favourite disposable diaper brand?

What is your favourite formula milk?

Favourite multi-vitamin for your child?

Favourite Prenatal Supplement?

Favourite Car Seat Brand?

Favourite Travel System Brand?

Mommy surveys

Do you breastfeed or give formula?

Do you use disposable or cloth nappies?

Did you or are you currently struggling with either baby blues or postnatal depression?

Do you feel like you are a good mother?

How long did you breastfeed for?

Do you prefer online shopping or going in-store?

Family related surveys

How many children do you have?

What is your preference of education for your child?

Do you have a good relationship with your in-laws?

Does faith play a role in the way you raise your children?

How much time do you spend with your child in a week?

Do you believe in disciplining your child?

How often do you fight at home in front of your child?

Are you happily married?

Does your child feel safe and happy at school?

How often do you have meals together with your children?

How often do you go for outings with your children?

Who is responsible for your household budget, expenses and finances?

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